Art Legal acts as partner of legal congress Law Spring-2024 and moderates round table “Civil Code: Changes For Businesses”

Events, 18 April 2024
Артемьев 09 04

On April 30, 2024, Nikolay Artemyev, a managing partner of Art Legal, will moderate round table “Civil Code: changes for businesses” as a part of legal congress “Law Spring-2024: from issue to solution.”

We will discuss ceratain important changes and novations for business:

1. Corporate law changes: decisions of meetings, directors authority issues, sample Articles of Association and other changes.

2. Invalidity of transactions.

3. Changes in means of securing obligations.

4. New legal institutions (options, representations and  warranties, convertible loans, irrevocable power of attorney, escrow account agreements and etc.)

Among the round table experts:

Funk I.I., chairman of the International Arbitration Court at the BelCCI, Doctor of Law, Professor at BSU;

Sysouev T.V., attorney at the Minsk regional specialized legal consultation “Judicial defense. Business and Economy”, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Procedure and Labor Law, Faculty of Law, BSU;

Belyavsky S.C., director of law company “Economic Disputes” LLC, mediator, chairman of the Economic Disputes Arbitration Court, recommended arbitrator of the ICAC Chamber of Arbitrators at the Union of Lawyers.

For registration, program review and other information – please follow the link.