Law firm Art Legal has acted as a partner of legal congress «LawSpring-2024: from Issue to Solution», organized on April 30, 2024 in Minsk at Renaissance Hotel by “Jurist” magazine, the educational center “Professional Interest” (LLC “Grevtsov Information and Legal Agency”).
Nikolay Artemyev, a managing partner of Art Legal, within the legal congress has acted as a moderator and expert at the round table “Civil Code: Changes for Business Entities”.
Changes to the Civil Code are comprehensive and fundamental; during the round table together with experts, the following issues were discussed:
1. Changes in activities of legal entities: decisions of meetings, problems of directors’ powers, model charter and other changes.
2. Invalidity of transactions.
3. Changes in means of obligations security.
4. New legal institutions (options, option agreement, representations and warranties, , convertible loans, irrevocable power of attorney, escrow account agreement).
Changes to the Civil Code (read our brief overview at the link) are coming into force on November 19, 2024.
Also you can read our material on options for OfficeLife at the link.
By the date of entry into force, a set of by-laws will be adopted aimed at implementing changes to the Civil Code, including on activities of branches of foreign companies, requirements for factoring activity, model charters of legal entities and etc.
Art Legal much thanks organizers for kind invitation to the event, and colleagues for interesting discussions and networking!
If you have any questions, please contact us.