Options and other changes to the Civil Code: we discuss at an online seminar on July 24, 2024

Events, 17 July 2024
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On July 24, 2024, Nikolay Artemyev will take part at an online seminar on the topic “Preparing for the new Civil Code norms from November 19, 2024: practical recommendations.” The seminar is conducted by the editors of the magazine “Lawyer” (LLC “Grevtsov Information Legal Agency”).

As part of Block 1. Changes in contractual relations: practical recommendations, we will discuss the following issues:

1. Options Institute:

  • summarize international experience;
  • two option models: option to enter into a contract and option contract;
  • preparing for option transactions in advance: where and how to use options for Belarusian businesses;
  • issuing options as a motivation for key employees of the company.

2. A convertible loan is a new tool for regulating contractual relations.

3. Irrevocable power of attorney.

4. Escrow account agreement.

5. Answers to questions from participants.

Among other speakers of the seminar, Funk I.I., Doctor of Law, Professor, Chairman of the International Arbitration Court at the BelCCI;  Sysouev T.V., attorney-at-law at the Minsk Regional Specialized Legal Consultation “Judicial Defense. Business and Economy,” Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Procedure and Labor Law, Faculty of Law, BSU.

You can view the full program and register for the seminar by following the link.