Changes to Labour Legislation

News, 07 July 2023
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On July 1, 2023, the Law No. 273-3 “On Amending Laws on Labour Relations” (”Law”) has been published. The Law amends the Labour Code affecting a wide range of business entities. The changes will come into force on January 1, 2024. Read more in our brief review below.

Remote work and expansion of electronic means for documents exchange

The Law introduces three forms of remote work: (i) permanent; (ii) temporary (performed continuously for a certain period, but no more than 6 months during a year); (iii) combined (performed permanently or temporarily with alternation of remote work and work at the employer’s location).

The remote form of work can be established by agreement of parties or by the employer’s initiative. Establishment (cancellation) of the remote form of work at the initiative of the employer will be a change of essential working conditions.

The Law introduces a number of conditions regarding performance of remote work that shall be specified in employment contract/amendment thereto (methods and frequency of working contacts, etc.)

The option of using documents in electronic form is expanding. So, now familiarization with documents, sending notifications, obtaining consent from employee and other actions can be done via exchanging documents in electronic form. The exception is conclusion, extension and amendment of employment contracts and agreements on full material liability.

Payment for labor

Salaries will have to be paid to all employees at least 2 times a month (including those who work under a contract). In this regard, the employer will need to amend the contracts which provide for the payment of salaries once a month.

The list when the employer can make income deductions from the salary has been expanded (e.g., cost of food service).

Social leave

The duration and good reasons for granting leave without pay can be determined by the employer (Art. 190 Labour Code). At the same time, the duration of leave is limited to 3 calendar months in total during the calendar year.

Dividing leave into more than two parts

The employer is able to decide on division of labor leave into two or more parts. Such conditions can be established by company local acts.

Other changes

The changes affect the issues of granting labor leave, flexible labor time conditions, lump-sum payments for health improvement, expanding the grounds for dismissal, handling duplicate labor books and some other issues.

How can we be helpful?

  • we can assist to bring your internal acts and labour documentation in line with the new labour legislation;
  • hold a meeting where we discuss new changes in labour legislation in clear manner and suggest changes (if any).

If you have any questions or need advice in the field of Labour and migration law, please contact us.